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Our Dog Shampoo Is Now A Preferred Seller on Shopee

A huge milestone is that our dog shampoo and Pet Fresh shop is now a preferred seller on

Thank you for helping our dog shampoo achieve this huge milestone in our small business. When I first started Pet Fresh, I worked from my hometown during the pandemic, making dog shampoo and soap for my kids and stray dogs. Treating dogs needing help and knowing I could make a difference drives me and why I decided to start this business. I couldn't have done this without you, so thank you to all the furbaby parents who share my vision and journey. With so many dog shampoo's on the market, we wanted to ensure that Pet Fresh uses organic extracts only so you know your fur baby is always protected when using our dog shampoo.

We will always put your pet's needs first.

Preferred Seller on Shopee with our Dog Shampoo
Dog Shampoo Preferred Seller on Shopee

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